Me and White Supremacy Discussion Circle
Awareness leads to action, and action leads to change
— Layla F. Saad, Me and White Supremacy

Lalya F. Saad draws readers of her book Me and White Supremacy into the experience of the book by explaining the volume before them in this way: “for (at least!) the next twenty-eight days, I’m going to be guiding you on a journey to help you explore and unpack your relationship with white supremacy. This book is a one-of-a-kind personal antiracism tool structured to help people with white privilege understand and take ownership of their participation in the oppressive system of white supremacy. It is designed to help them take responsibility for dismantling the way that this system manifests, both within themselves and within their communities.”

Many people are calling for action to dismantle oppressive systems right now. At This Most Unbelievable Life, we want to see change that can be brought about as a result of intentional time spent in practices that cultivate curiosity, openness, and self-reflection. We heed Saad’s call to “begin within.”

As such, Cheri invites you to join her and Paul on their journey through the book. As part of a weekly Zoom discussion group facilitated by Cheri, you’ll come together with others dedicated to this self-reflection to share your struggles, your discomforts and your ah-ha moments! While journeys like these are personal, we also believe community can bring accountability and strength to even the most personal transformations.

If you’re interesting in participating, please grab a copy of the book and sign up using the brief form below!

A Note on Purchasing the Book:
Please consider making your purchase from Old Town Books, which is Cheri’s favorite independent bookseller in Alexandria, Virginia. The shop owner, Ally Kirkpatrick, confirms that they have books in stock and are ready to ship! Thanks, Old Town Books!

28-days, 5 sessions

5:30 PM to 7:00 PM EST, Mondays

This workshop is full!

The September 2020 group is full! But don’t despair! We hope to run this workshop again soon. If you’re interested in participating next time, please let us know by filling out the short form below!

Week 0: Monday, September 14
Book Introduction

Week 1: Monday, September 21
Days 1-7

Week 2: Monday, September 28
Days 8-14

Week 3: Monday, October 5
Days 15-21

Week 4: Monday, October 12
Days 22-28